23rd November 2017
Post op rehab. Weeks 1 & 2
ELLIE has put together a video and discussion about her rehabilitation in the 1st 2 weeks after Anterior Cruciate Ligament recovery. A physiotherapists physio journey.
In this video I am day 8 post-op. The start of my week was very different. Days 1-3 were particularly difficult due to pain and lack of movement in my knee. I was only doing exercises 1,2,3,4,8 and 9. I was on crutches for the first 3 days, then 1 crutch for 4 days and now I just use them outdoors.
This first phase of the exercise programme was to get on top of my pain, control the swelling through regular icing and elevation and start to work on my range of movement (ROM). It is important to start exercising early but it is also important to listen to your body. I am not a believer in ‘no pain no gain’. Because of this I would not push myself through the pain but to the point before it with knowledge that this point would improve with time and repetition.
After day 3 I started to introduce more ROM exercises with each day, still listening to my body and not pushing. Coming into any exercise for the first time it’s important to build the repetitions up slowly. My main goal was to achieve neutral extension and 90 degrees flexion at the knee. I was doing my programme 2-3 times a day and also working on my walking pattern (gait).
Even though I am a physio myself, I will be seeing a physiotherapist to guide me through my rehab. It is important to have someone to review you throughout your own rehab to ensure you are doing exercises correctly and to progress you safely. In my case, 2 minds are always better than one, I love collaborative working and I’ve got the time.
Another important note: I apologise for the ridiculous shorts but I felt it was important that my knee could actually be seen. The dressings on my knee were changed the day before. Prior to this they were pretty gory. Also parts of the video have been sped up, I’m not doing the exercise insanely fast!